Weight Lifting Straps

The world of weight lifting straps, can be a complicated one. Here are a few questions that we are regularly asked, and our answers.

“Which lifting straps should I be wearing?”

The first thing to make clear, no weightlifting strap is wrong. They all have advantages and disadvantages, which is why you see so many variations in the market.

The second thing to make clear is that you can use them at any stage, this will come down to how you feel in your grip and what you are aiming to achieve. At the end of the day, you can only lift what your grip can handle, so using lifting straps as a gym-aid will only maximise your lifts. They are designed to give you that edge, and to allow you to pull more than you ever have before.

What types of lifting straps are there?

  • Traditional Lasso Style Lifting staps
  • Traditional Lasso Style Lifting straps with neoprene cuff https://www.budsfitness.co.uk/product/rdx-weight-training-wrist-straps/


  • Traditional Lasso Style Lifting straps with neoprene cuff and rubberised grip
  • Dual-Ply Lasso Style Lifting straps
  • Figure of 8 lifting straps
  • Figure of 8 lifting straps with neoprene cuff
  • Lifting hook straps
  • Olympic style lifting straps.

Which weightlifting straps should I use to deadlift on a standard barbell?
Traditional lasso design lifting straps. These are in our opinion the best for a standard barbell deadlift. They wrap comfortably around the bar, whilst maintaining a being locked into your wrist firmly. In order to maximise the grip, we would recommend only wrapping round the bar once, then threading the excess strap through your fingers. This should allow for friction to play it’s part in keeping your weightlifting straps secure.

Which weightlifting straps should I use to deadlift on a Axle Bar?
Figure of 8 lifting straps! When you are using an axle bar, traditionally they are 50mm thick which can be twice as thick as a standard barbell. The figure of 8 will ensure you remain locked in on the bar when between reps. Often if you have got lasso straps to wrap around the bar, the surface area that is touching the bar is significantly limited meaning that you are constantly re setting your lifting straps between reps. With figure of 8, you will remain locked in.

With RDX, figure of 8’s we would recommend purchasing the large straps for use on an axle bar.

With TUFF WRAPS, they have specifically called the larger pair the AXLE figure of 8’s.

Which weightlifting straps should I use on farmers walks?
We would always ask firstly, how much weight per hand are you doing? If applicable then the Velcro Weightlifting straps are ideal for farmers walks as the the strap will drop vertically making it easier to position and wrap around the handles. A lasso straps is warn at an angle and can be more difficult to apply, particularly with your second hand. With that said, in most strongman competitions we have been to the farmers walks are seen as a grip event and no straps are usually allowed.

How much should I spend on weight lifting straps?
All depends on what you weight you are lifting. There is nothing wrong with pay £9 for a standard pair for lasso design weightlifting straps, however these are usually only rated to 150kg. If you are looking to deadlift more than that, or you are looking at training on thicker implements such as an axle bar then you will be looking to pay £20-30.