Scotland Mental Health Event

Deadlifts Over Depression, Scotland
Deadlifts Over Depression, Scotland. 

Hosted at NB Fitness, in Peterhead. Promoted by Buds Fitness with special guest coach Terry Hollands.

Raising Money for Mental Health Aberdeen.

On Sunday 31st March, Nicola Buchan hosted a mental health event in aid of Mental Health Aberdeen to raise money and awareness for mental health.

The event was promoted by Buds Fitness, with myself (Liam) making the 20 hour round trip to support the event over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

At the event we had a total of 25 lifters and 5 coaches. One being Scotland’s Second Strongest Women (2024), gym owner of NB Fitness as well as legendary Giants Live Commentator Nicola Buchan. Following the Giants Live link we were also delighted to welcome none of than Nicola’s Co-Comms partner Terry Hollands who is one of Great Britain’s most decorated strength athletes of all time. Having podiumed at World Strongest Man twice, winning England’s Strongest, Britain’s Strongest and UK’s Strongest man throughout his career in strongman Terry really was a tremendous support to the event.

Money raised for Mental Health Aberdeen

The event itself was a totally non for profit event that helped raise £2240 for Mental Health Aberdeen, with a £500 being added in Gift Aid also.

Over half of the value raised, was raised by those lifting at the event through their friends and family making it an incredible community effort with so many donations coming in particularly on the week of the event.

A special mention to CBR Sollar who donated a massive £200 supporting James Kleiman, and to Diane Forsyth who kindly donated the money she receive from her work colleagues as part of her leaving gift.

Honestly so many other people deserve a mention, for the amount they raised towards the event and this money would not have been raised without you.

The day itself

The team at NB Fitness did an amazing job at setting up the event, and ensuring we had space for the four groups as well as space for the raffle table, bag room, and also space for Peterhead Massage Therapy ( to have a table set up to provide free massages for lifters and spectators on the day.

Once everyone had arrived we settled down in the main gym area and heard some really moving words from Nicola Buchan, who honestly is an incredible inspiration, and to me personal has provided me with words that I take with me day in day out. We got to hear from the CEO Of Mental Health Aberdeen Graeme Kinghorn who did an amazing job explaining the services that MHA offer but also what it means to them to be received the donations from this event. As always our groups were split into equal ability based on there Deadlift numbers to ensure for smoother plate loading but also a more positive and inclusive vibe within the groups, as each lifter was unlocking the next weight for those after them.

As far as atmosphere’s go, there couldn’t have been a more supportive crowd. With groups split out into equal ability everyone was so incredibly supportive of one another to ensure they hit personal bests on the day. With coaches ensuring they call out “PB INCOMING!!!” each time someone was attempting a personal best, it brought the best out of our lifters on the day.

I honestly do not believe that I have ever been in a space where so many personal bests were achieved in the same room within an hour of one another.

After the deadlifts we broke away for some try what you like sessions across the NB Fitness gym, and we saw some incredible log presses, Farmer Carries, sand bag over yoke and even some bar rolling from Wendy Woo. Honestly, it was a truly special atmosphere.

We then had a short interval to present the raffle which on the day itself raised over £100, let a lone in the build up to the event itself.

The last lifting of the day was the Team Deadlift bar allowing everyone to get on the team deadlift bar and show that Together We Are Stronger!

Event photos

What next?

Next up for Buds Fitness, we have an ambitious ask of ourselves to raise £10,000 for local mental health charities in 2024. Our next step in making this possible, is Deadlifts Over Depression, Yorkshire on the 11th May 2024 which is being hosted at the Priory Centre in Barnsley. We have been fortunate enough once again to receive incredible support from the Strongman and Strongwoman scene with some elite level coaches being a part of the event. We have 3 x Worlds Strongest Woman, and LB for LB Strongest Women on the planet Rhianon Lovelace, we have the 3rd Strongest U57’s in the world in Hannah Fitzgerald from Nova Performance as well as South Yorkshire’s Strongest 105 Chris Fitzgerald from Mind Body Connect Sheffield. We will also have expert of the sandbags, Strength Register coming down to work with athletes on their sandbag technique. Then last but not least we have Tommy Siddall the Health & Wellness Consultant, who will be kindly donating one of his exceptional Genetic Tests as part of our on the day raffle.

Full details can be found below:

Buds Fitness will then be hosting Together We Lift, at Academy Leisure in Sawtry Cambridgeshire on 14th July 2024.

Full details can be found below: