Together We Lift

Sunday 14th July 2024—10am-4pm £40.00
Together We Lift. Logo on Navy Background

About Together We Lift


Together We Lift, is a mental health meet that is designed to raise money and awareness of mental health and the positive relationship that lifting weights can have on someone’s mental health.

The turnout to last years event was truly breath taking and it was a truly inspirational watch for those who came along as spectators also.

In 2023 our mental health event raised £2889, so this year we have the ambition to exceed £3000.

If you’d like to show your support for someone who is lifting at the event, or simply want to donate towards the cause then please do click the link below and donate. Every penny will help, and be donated directly to CPSL Mind.

What to expect from the day.

When booking your space at Together We Lift, you will submit your current personal bests for the event stations that we will have on the day.

On the day you will be in a group of lifters of equal ability

Together in your group you will have 40 minutes on each event stations working with a Qualified Coach to help you maximise your lifting potential.

These four event stations are:
* Standard Barbell Deadlift
* Barbell Overhead Press
* Sandbag To Shoulder
* Sled Drag and Push

The Day will conclude with a chance to Lift Together.

We have a fantastic 9ft Team Deadlift Bar by AL Fitness that will allow us to come together, and cheer one another to lift.
So whether you want to lift with your sister, your brother, your husband, your wife, your best friend or even someone you have just met on your day, this is your chance!

This event truly brings home the reason we are there on the day, to show that Together We Are Stronger, Together We Can Do More. Together We Lift! And this carries over from Strength Events through to Mental Health with a true parallel.

Event Question And Answers?

Yes. The event is open to complete beginners and seasoned pro's alike. We will have qualified coaches on each event station to help you learn throughout the day.
You can email at any time to update your personal best.
Yes, it is actively encouraged. The more people in attendance, the better the event will be for everyone.
Yes, 100% free but we do politely request all spectators consider donating via our JustGiving page to show there support for the event and to help us raise as much money as possible.
Yes the event is taking place at the Sawtry Local Leisure centre, which goes by the name of Academy Leisure which has plenty of parking on site.

Finding us

Academy Leisure Sawtry, Green End Road, Sawtry, Huntingdon, UK